Monday, February 05, 2007

In Awe

My family came to visit this weekend. It was wonderful. I really missed them last weekend when I went home with Kelly and I saw her with her family. So I was really glad to see them. They came late Friday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon. They brought a ton of food with them. My roommate Nicole was really happy to see fishballs =D She thought they were weird when I first had them back in September but now she loves them.

Anyhow, my weekend was crazy busy because my family was here and I had all this work piled up. After they left yesterday I sat down and looked at my to do list and I felt really stressed. There was an overwhelming amount of work and I needed to prepare for clinic today and it was just too much. I ended up just putting it aside for a bit and had some quiet time. I've been reading Joshua, and yesterday in chapter 10 I read "And Joshua captured all these kings and their land at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel" (verse 42). I read that and I thought "God, I need you to fight for me". I knew I needed him on my side, pulling things together for me because I'd completely fall apart on my own. After I prayed I did some more work and went to bed. Then this morning I woke up to an email telling me that clinic was cancelled today because of the weather and I had a day off! I was so relieved and thankful. God has been faithful in so many ways these past weeks. It seems like every time I acknowledge my weakness and inadequacy, God responds and answers prayer. So today I was able to cross stuff off my to do list, and I will continue to trust and rely on His provision daily.


Anonymous said...

little sister in Christ is missing big sister in Christ. I'm glad God is working in your life AND i too have come to acknowledge my weaknesses and He's answered my prayers too! just wanted to say "hello" and now i'm glad to read that you're doing alright.


Anonymous said...

YAY GOD!!!!! :)

he truly is so faithful and his grace always sufficient :) thank you for sharing, this post really blessed me :) i also enjoyed your "my pants are tight" update because i can identify :P hehe.

i just realized how long it's been since i've checked your blog! :( ever since i switched to firefox i've pretty much stopped reading blogs.. but i will bookmark your page right now :)

i miss you very much! keep trucking... we can do it because his compassions never fail..they are new every morning :)


Anonymous said...

i'm experiencing IMMENSE excitement. but it turns out i finish my dig on the 7th and not the 11th which means i might have to hang around on my own for a bit.

Anonymous said...

that is IF we do this.