Friday, February 16, 2007

Sacred Heart

No, I'm not talking about the hospital, all you Scrubs fans. There's a major Catholic seminary in Detroit by the same name. Wayne State Speech-Language Pathology students volunteer there on Friday afternoons to work with international seminarians. It's not ESL and they're not speech or language disordered. It's purely accent modification, so we work on things like intonation, stress placement, some articulation depending on the client, etc.

Normally I work with a student from Poland, but he wasn't here today so I was paired with a Spanish-speaking guy from Peru. He said he had trouble pronouncing d vs. th so I made him practice sentences like Do they do their dishes? and Those dogs are dozing. It was fun. Anyway, during the course of our conversation, it came up that I'm protestant, and he asked me why. Why not Catholic? And it sparked a whole discussion on the differences between the two and then he said "The Protestant faith has some good things, but it is not complete" which sparked more discussion. In the end he said that I should think about converting to Catholicism and that he would pray for me! He was so sweet, but I told him I'm quite certain about my beliefs =D

1 comment:

Alex S. Leung said...

Wow, that must have been one interesting conversation! But I honestly cannot imagine... him, a Catholic trying to conver you the Protestant into Roman Catholicism! LOL I would've tried harder to convert him to prostestant Christianity instead =D