Sunday, January 28, 2007

School and Stuff

School has been pretty stressful so far this semester. I'm taking two courses, Speech Science and Phonological Disorders. Those aren't too bad. But I've also started a clinical placement at the Wayne State Speech and Language Center where I see three clients twice a week. Prepping for therapy and writing up reports and evaluations is time-consuming. Plus there's anxiety that I don't know what I'm doing. But things have been going well so far. God has really been pulling me through. And my clients are great. One is an 8-year-old boy with a mild language disorder. I was giving him a standardized assessment and one of the test items required him to use a wh-question. The target response was "Where is my shoe?" This kid was trying so hard and he was being really polite and he kept saying "May you help me find my shoe?" instead of the target. It was adorable, but also bad because I had to score his response as incorrect. He did it for the next three test items as well.

The other thing that is causing anxiety and that is going to take up a lot of time is my research project. Although I'm not required to do a thesis, I do have to conduct some research. The exciting thing is that I'll be working with the department chair, Alex Johnson. He was the president of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association last year and working with him is a pretty big deal. I'll probably be doing something along the lines of phonological awareness as it relates to literacy. Phonological awareness is cool. How many sounds are in "cat"? Can you say "spider" without the "der"?

I went with Kelly to her hometown of Holland, Michigan this weekend. It's about 3 hours west of Detroit and right on Lake Michigan. It was nice. Very monocultural, though. Everyone's a Conservative and they're all white people of Dutch descent. Almost expected kids to follow me around and do kung-fu. Kelly's family is crazy and a lot of fun. Typical all-American family. Also went to Mars Hill, Rob Bell's church.

Anywho, I'm fighting to keep my eyes open and it's time to hit the books.


hoimin said...

A+ for enjoying your placement... i haven't started looking for mine yet.

"Almost expected kids to follow me around and do kung-fu."

thank you for making my day.

char said...

you shouldve pulled a "mom" and given them candy.

ten said...

how do people say spider without the der? spi? or spid?

i tried to look for ASL courses downtown but nope, can't find any :( i guess if i reallly wanted to i could find a college or something that offers it, then request for it to count as a credit?

the german people are funnnnny. the good way!

ten said...

oh dear.. i said spyd. dont know why though :P there's probably a technical term for it... like 'crazy'?

danke sehr. :D

Beyond Umami said...

re: your comment on stash tea.

Sharon, you definitely have to try the vanilla nut tea! it's soo good. Plus, you're in the states so it should be in the stores. by the way, I really hope you're not scrounging too much in the trash room for unused stuff. I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. I sort of wonder why that whole box of stuff was left there.