Saturday, January 20, 2007

Life in the D - Part 2

Kelly and I went to the suburbs tonight to watch The Prestige at a discount movie theatre. The ghetto mall it was housed in was fairly easy to get to, just off 12 mile, but since the theatre wasn't visible from the outside we parked at a random entrance and went in. It turned out that the theatre was on the other end of the building, but No Biggie, we thought. Little did we know that half the mall gets blocked off after the stores close and that we wouldn't be able to walk back through the building to get to the car. So we walked on the outside. The parking lot was dark and deserted except for four or five African American teenagers. We were getting pretty scared at this point. Kelly had one hand on her pepper spray and the other on her cellphone and we just walked quickly and purposefully like we knew where we were going. We passed the group of teenagers and one of the boys called out "Hey ladies". For some reason I said Hi back and then he started saying some other stuff, but I didn't hear because I was just freaked out that we were in a dark, deserted and unfamiliar place and we weren't sure how far we were from the car. Then the girl in the group yelled at the boy: "She too ol' fo' you--She pro'lly a grown woman!" and that made us feel better.

Eventually we got back to the car, but it seemed to take forever. Everytime we rounded a corner we expected to see the car, but we had gone out the wrong doors and had to walk on the outside longer than necessary. We kept kicking ourselves: "We should've brought a guy", "Our moms are gonna kill us" (I had actually told my mom I was going to the movies, and she had warned me to be careful), "We should've paid those guys in the mall to walk us", etc. We also prayed: "God, please get us to the car safely". Well, He did, and we'll know to be more cautious in the future!


Alex S. Leung said...

Wow, great story! Glad you're ok :)

ten said...

i like how you spelt the accent. hope you know what im talking about :P

hoimin said...

kelly brings a cellphone and pepper spray; you toss a repartee at the strangers you were hoping to avoid.

you're trouble.

Beyond Umami said...

Oh sharon!! *sigh* who would've thought the stories we can tell now that we've moved to a new place. I also know what you mean about the carbs. It's all about eating right & the exercising, so that's what I hope to do more of this term. As for the adventures, I'll probably have one when my friends and I go down to the Calgary Stampede!