Monday, December 11, 2006

Life in the D

- Last week a man in police custody complained of stomach pain so he was brought to the Detroit Medical Center, which is a five minute walk from my building. While he was in the hospital he stole an officer's gun, took a hostage and drove off in an ambulance. He was caught 18 hours later.

- A homeless man snuck into my building one night, had a nap in the laundry room and walked out wearing several sweaters that did not belong to him.

- A ministry at Citadel of Faith is Security. These people keep watch in the parking lot to prevent theft. Cars have been broken into for a few coins in a cupholder.

- One Sunday Citadel ended service early so that members could go door to door in the surrounding residential areas and hand out Bibles. I was put on a team with a white girl and a white guy. The girl and I took one side of the street and the guy took the other side. A black guy saw me and the girl, did a double take and quizzically asked us: "Are you from around here?" Despite our assurances that we were not lost and that we weren't there alone, he continued to express his concern over our safety and essentially warned us to get out of that neighbourhood.

- On New Year's Eve, people fire guns into the air. One theory for this is that it warns off thugs and lets them know that the household is armed.

Are you scared for me? Haha it's really not that bad and there haven't been any instances where I've felt like I was in danger. As long as I don't get mixed up in the wrong crowd I'll be fine : )


hoimin said...

please make sure marmalade is with you at all times.

Anonymous said...

hahah....sounds like Rochester!!!
