Monday, June 26, 2006


the other day i was talking to my mom about potty training and she reminded me how difficult it had been for me to become nighttime toilet trained. i was fully trained during the day, but i was wetting my bed until i was about 8 years old. i would go in my sleep one or two times per night and i wouldn't even know it unless my mom checked on me and woke me up to change the sheets. my parents tried everything to fix this problem, from drinking chinese herbal medicine to a metal thing taped to my leg that would beep when wet : P i even underwent anesthetic at the hospital for the doctors to make sure everything in my system was in working order, all to no avail. eventually i just grew out of it, i guess. sorry if this is all too much information.

anyhow, then i remembered a recurring dream i had as a child. i would dream that i'm waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. i get out of bed and start walking down the hallway. the whole house is dark except for some moonlight coming in from the window. as i approach the bathroom, i see ronald mcdonald watching me from the shadows on the other side of the bathroom door. again, my deepest apologies if you're creeped out by this! but that's just it--i've never been afraid of ronald mcdonald as far as i can remember, unless there was something going on in my subconscious. and i didn't put these two childhood experiences together and realize that there there is likely a connection between them until a couple of days ago (14 years after the fact)!

in other news, the awakening won their first softball game of the season yesterday! 3 more and we have a good chance of making the playoffs : P


Dordor said...

wow...I've been your friend since you were 5. I've never known this about you! I'm kinda glad I didn't...or else I might've given you a hard time from making fun of you. Maybe you would have started hating me, and we wouldn't even be talking today. hahah...oh all the possibilities. :P

hoimin said...

colour me enlightened. it's always the pee dream that becomes pee reality.

ladies unfortunately don't have a bladder shut-off valve like guys do (activated by arousal). how's that for too much information?

gusto5 said...

only 8? lucky bum.