Saturday, March 18, 2006

i'm pooped

quite a bit happened this past week or so. although some of my recollection is hazy due to my having caught a cold, here are some highlights:

last saturday i went to see lord of the rings at the princess of wales theatre with my family. i had been looking forward to it for several weeks and had had such high hopes for it. it's not that it was terrible, but you just can't compare it to the movies. if i had seen it before seeing the movies, i would probably have loved it. it was four hours long with two intermissions and the theatre was hot and the seats were uncomfortable. the hobbits were amazing, though. before the production even started a bunch of them were on stage catching fireflies and having a party. their dances made me laugh, too.

i came home from work on tuesday and read a note that my mom had left for me. while i was out, clarion university in pennsylvania had called informing me of my acceptance into their master's program! it was totally unexpected and i didn't even fully appreciate it at the time b/c i wasn't feeling that well and just wanted to sleep. but i now acknowledge that it is by God's grace alone that i got into this program. it definitely wasn't on my own merit. if you knew what my gpa is and the average gpa of those who get into speech-language pathology, you would have to agree that God has been very very gracious. i haven't heard from other schools yet, but i expect to within the next 3 or 4 weeks. very excited to be going to grad school! i had already been working on plan b in case i didn't get into a program: teaching english in hong kong : P

i attended teens conference senior as a coach this year, so i had a busy wednesday and thursday. my co-coach was none other than ray lee, who used to attend jaffray and was one of the founding counsellors of hosanna. it was great to be paired with him--what a wonderful learning experience. the event was humbling in that it made me very aware of my weaknesses and what i need to work on. i still have a lot to learn about mentorship, but i have an awesome example to look to.

that's all for now!

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