Wednesday, November 09, 2005

it hurts

i was bitten on my left arm yesterday, matching the bite i have on my right arm from saturday. no blood or anything, just some tenderness and missing skin. one of the kids i work with is a biter. normally i can get my limbs out of the way in time, but i happened to be carrying him when he decided to bite and i didn't think dropping him would have been the best plan of action. but even with the biting he's a really cute kid. he's 3 and doesn't have any speech in the normal sense, but he does communicate. the other day, he needed help stringing beads so he looked at me and said a forceful "AAH!". after i guided his hands and he got the bead to the end of the string, he then said the exact same "AAH!" each time he needed help thereafter. it was amazing.

another kid i work with has some gas problems. he is constantly burping and farting, and the little room we work in doesn't have much ventilation...and it doesn't help that all he does is eat chips! they're supposed to be his reinforcer, or his reward for doing his therapy programs, but he doesn't seem to care much when i give him a piece. it's probably b/c he gets chips all the time outside of our sessions, so it doesn't mean much to him whether he gets them from me or not. anyway, overall work is going well. the travelling hasn't been too stressful...yet. just costly.


dorr. said...

oiee! i hope your arm gets better. but it's great to hear that work is good :) go you go!

gusto5 said...

lol. the behaviourists win again :P

remember you deserve time too eh?

Anonymous said...

aiyaaaaaaaaaa. hey you can show me your bite-mark on saturday. because we're going to watch harry potter =D did char tell you already?

i walked 45 minutes home in the freezing cold tonight. it was scary cause it was dark..... i was on the mainroad b/c i thought it was safer and i was like right up against the sidewalks and a bunch of hooligans honked their horns at me and yelled something out. it kinda disturbed me although i didn't hear them. -____-"

Dorcas said...

ouch :(
i'm glad to hear work is going well though! :)
yay flatulence :P hahhaah

i'm coming home again in 2 weeks...:D

are you going to passion nov. 22?