Tuesday, October 25, 2005

slumber party

our house has no heat right now. it's getting fixed today, but we were without heat over the weekend and it was FREEZING. so saturday night, all four of us plus coco and the guinea pig slept in the master bedroom and turned on the fireplace. pongo had to stay downstairs b/c he sheds too much, but we gave him a sweater. i can't remember the last time my whole family slept in the same room other than at a hotel. it was kinda fun, except char kept stealing the blankets.


hoimin said...

cosy =)

gusto5 said...

what were you expecting with char? :P

dont tell her this...

Anonymous said...

i think it runs in the family sharon, barbie steals the blankets a lot too. haha

Anonymous said...

aww - i love that! doing old-school family things gives me the fuzzies inside!!

and...haha - i love how you guys are verbally fighting on blogspot :P

that's what FAMILY is about.

-Alison (pink)