Wednesday, April 16, 2008


the speech pathology director at henry ford called yesterday to inform me they offered the position to two other people and they've accepted, but i was a very strong candidate and it was a difficult decision, blah blah blah. so i didn't get it. oh well, i'm really not devastated. it just means there are other plans for me. there's still plenty of time to look for another job since i don't finish my program until august.

new topic: i'm coming home this weekend and i'm bringing one or two people from detroit with me. if anyone's free friday night around 9 or 10, let me know. i'm thinking bubble tea at pacific mall.


hoimin said...

o hai, i was just about to ask. congratulations on being not devastated.

last day of classes for me this friday so i will be free. must confirm with mel and lyris.

Alex S. Leung said...

I am so late on my blog reading. I was very sick last week and was occupied with the T4G conference:P

Sorry to hear about your bad news; keep rejoicing in these times & remember that you have peace with God through Christ (Rom 5) =D

Anonymous said...

congrats on your convocation graduation!!! =)

and and..i want to see pictures of doctor. i showed up on friday night, but missed you.

Anonymous said...

(btw, it's cat)