Sunday, February 25, 2007


edit: i realize this is somewhat contrary to fasting in secret (matthew 6:16-18) but i had to share this.

citadel is doing a corporate fast for lent. it starts tomorrow and goes until april 6. what we are fasting for: 1) the church leadership nominating committee, 2) purity and 3) wisdom as it pertains to church growth. plus personal issues, like direction post-graduation, among other things.

we're doing a modified daniel fast (daniel 1:8-14) where we will refrain from meat products and eat only fruits and vegetables. thankfully, we get to ease into it slowly. during week 1 we can still eat chicken and fish; during week 2 we can eat fish; but from week 3 on, we will only eat the following:

- whole grains
- legumes
- fruits
- vegetables
- natural sweeteners (i.e. honey)
- seeds
- water or 100% natural fruit/vegetable juice

foods we are to avoid: meat, white rice, fried foods, caffeine, carbonated beverages, foods containing any preservatives or additives, sugar, sugar substitutes, white flour and all products using it (including bread and pasta), butter/margarine, shortening, high fat products and dairy products.

this is going to be so hard. the worst part initially will be going without my morning tea. also, no soy sauce. no instant noodles. and i haven't even begun to think about what to do at home during spring break, what with eating out and mom's cooking and such. for now, i get to spend lots of money on natural peanut butter, sea salt, olive oil, honey, brown rice and other organic foods. and kelly and i totally stuffed ourselves with greasy pizza tonight since it is our fat sunday.


char said...

aha sucker . . . i've never fasted a day in my life - not even for 30 hour famine even though i was signed up. i suppose that's not something to boast about . . .

ten said...

^hahah char

would switching to caffeine-free herb teas be considered cheating? ohh ya, you should've gotten hazelnut butter! i heart that stuff :P