Wednesday, October 04, 2006

fourth time's a charm

after 3 failed attempts and more than 1.5 hours of walking, i finally got my hair cut! googlemaps found 10 or so hair salons within a mile (not kilometre) of my zip (not postal) code, only ONE of which actually exists. my hair now goes to my shoulders and is one length--no more layers! i also have side bangs and i don't know what to do with them. the last time i had bangs i think i was in grade 3 (almost said "3rd grade") and they went straight across my forehead. now they keep falling in my face and i've had only mild success replicating the slight curl the stylist applied to angle them out of my eyes.

in case you haven't caught on, i'm trying to fight off the american english that's seeping into my system. i can't escape! it's everywhere!! i must confess i've been leaving out the u in words like "behaviour". but on an exam i wrote last week, i decided to leave it in and i now wonder if my professor noticed.


Anonymous said...

I experienced that too.....a conscious rejection of my Canadian spellings! But, every so often, I would insist to spell things the Canadian way....and it became a source of mockery "nah nah nah...she's Canaaaaadian, eh?"

So has anyone asked you if there's running water in Canada yet?

By the way, I remember very well that day we went to Morningside Park. And I do remember being trampled by Pongo. HA!

hoimin said...


did you have any other aptions?

Sharon said...

haha no, no one's asked me that! but one girl who works at a department store told me that she pretends not to know what canadian tourists mean when they ask her where the washroom is b/c americans say 'bathroom' or 'restroom'.

no picture, either. i'll be back for thanksgiving in november so you can see it then!