Sunday, September 17, 2006

= )

today i went to citadel of faith covenant church. i had no idea what to expect going into the service and i got a pleasant surprise. it's very much a black gospel-style service, but about half of the congregation is caucasian and i also saw one other asian person! anyway, the service was really energetic and dynamic and despite its length (2.5 hours!) i really enjoyed it. it's completely different from what i'm used to but i think it could become my church home for the next two years. looking forward to next week already.

i've been going to intervarsity, too. on wednesday i went to a Bible study geared towards med students and this week i'm going to check out the women's group. i also got to meet a bunch of great people at a joint ivcf gathering a couple of days ago. one of them is a fellow torontonian, and two others live in my apartment building, which is fortunate b/c i got a ride to church today!


Anonymous said...

cool!! :)
and yay for rides! :P

miss ya babe..

american thanksgiving come sooooon :)

much love,
dorcas xox

Alex S. Leung said...

Heya Shar,
Glad you've found a home away from home! Praying that you'll continue to be blessed with Spiritual food while in Michigan, and that you'd also be a blessing to those around you.


Melbee said...

!!! Dun you love it when you feel the warmth and love of God everywhere??? ... =)

we miss ya!

ten said...

testify! testify! *wave your arms in the air* *choir in background*

LEI AH dorkiest of them all :P