Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a hole in my bubble

i've never been one with strong powers of self reflection. i do what i do and i think what i think, but i'm not overly concerned with why i do or think things, especially as they pertain to my personality. if i were asked to describe myself in detail, i might not be able to do it, or it would take me a very long time and even then i might not be certain that it's an accurate depiction.

lately i've found myself thinking a little more about who i am and who i would like to be. offhand comments from different people as well as more pointed observations about a particular trait have been occupying my thoughts.

a couple of weeks ago a good friend told me that i need stability and safety. at first i resisted the idea and denied it, but as i continued to ponder it, i realized that it is true. 2005 was tough for me, never really knowing what lay just a couple of months ahead, whether i'd be in school or working or neither.

along a similar vein, someone else told me that we each see the world through a filter and that we have the choice of expanding the filter, thereby enriching our view of the world. it made me uncomfortable when i first heard it b/c it was in the context of me turning down an opportunity out of timidity, but i was uncomfortable in a good way. i felt challenged to break out of my bubble, to step out of normalcy and routine and predictability. my thoughts on all this aren't fully formed, but anyhow, i think going to detroit is a move in that direction.

speaking of detroit, i'm getting ready to move in to my apartment on august 5th. it's an on-campus residence and i'll be sharing a 2-bedroom 2-bath with a girl in the same SLP program as me. we met a few months ago at the graduate info session at wayne state and when i later heard she was looking for a roommate, i contacted her and everything has since fallen into place. God has really provided : P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i didn't get a chance to thank you yesterday because i was in such a rush to go home to have cake with my sister and mom.

thanks so much for your bag..i absolutely love it, and especially the colour as well=) u'll be happy to know i went home..took everything out of my other green bag..and put it into this new green bag. haha..thanks again!