Tuesday, July 25, 2006


a "severe thunderstorm warning" turned out to be a beautiful evening of sunshine and clear skies. i was disappointed that softball practice got postponed (i'm getting pretty pathetic :) but i ended up going out for the evening with my family and it was nice. then we happened to drive by chief dan george p.s. and the diamond was empty! argh! normally when we practice on a weeknight we get stuck with a little diamond b/c the good ones are booked. it would've been a perfect night for softball, if it weren't for the weather forecast.

anyway, my family and i started off looking for a tennis court to play on b/c my dad got some new tennis racquets from hong kong. we couldn't find one that was open to the public so we decided to go to rouge beach park for a walk instead. i hadn't been there in years. it's pretty ghetto and there's lots of garbage, but i liked being there on the lake. the sun was setting and people were fishing and playing in the sand and there was a small area for beach volleyball. it would've been awesome to have a bonfire going. mel and i had considered this beach for our grad thing last year but had settled on morningside park instead. oh well, maybe some other time.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

two more weeks

this week is my last with one of my kids. i've been phased out of the team and a new therapist has taken my place. over the next couple of weeks new therapists will be coming in for my other two kids as well and then my days as an instructional therapist will be over. *sigh* i'm going to miss these kids. and it's been an amazing learning experience working with them, despite the issues of the company as a whole.

anyway, i kept asking him for hugs and kisses yesterday. he's such a sweetheart. i said his name a few times in a row with a deep sigh "oh d___, d___, d___" and he said it back to me: "sharon, sharon, sharon". he's not at a level yet where he can understand that i'm leaving, but i know our paths will cross again, and i can't wait to see how much he'll have progressed two or three years down the road.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a hole in my bubble

i've never been one with strong powers of self reflection. i do what i do and i think what i think, but i'm not overly concerned with why i do or think things, especially as they pertain to my personality. if i were asked to describe myself in detail, i might not be able to do it, or it would take me a very long time and even then i might not be certain that it's an accurate depiction.

lately i've found myself thinking a little more about who i am and who i would like to be. offhand comments from different people as well as more pointed observations about a particular trait have been occupying my thoughts.

a couple of weeks ago a good friend told me that i need stability and safety. at first i resisted the idea and denied it, but as i continued to ponder it, i realized that it is true. 2005 was tough for me, never really knowing what lay just a couple of months ahead, whether i'd be in school or working or neither.

along a similar vein, someone else told me that we each see the world through a filter and that we have the choice of expanding the filter, thereby enriching our view of the world. it made me uncomfortable when i first heard it b/c it was in the context of me turning down an opportunity out of timidity, but i was uncomfortable in a good way. i felt challenged to break out of my bubble, to step out of normalcy and routine and predictability. my thoughts on all this aren't fully formed, but anyhow, i think going to detroit is a move in that direction.

speaking of detroit, i'm getting ready to move in to my apartment on august 5th. it's an on-campus residence and i'll be sharing a 2-bedroom 2-bath with a girl in the same SLP program as me. we met a few months ago at the graduate info session at wayne state and when i later heard she was looking for a roommate, i contacted her and everything has since fallen into place. God has really provided : P