Saturday, May 13, 2006


One of my favourite childhood book series was the Tripod Trilogy by John Christopher (pseudonym for Samuel Youd). It's good! I reread it a couple of months ago and realized that there are many details and references I didn't fully understand as a kid, but I had loved it nonetheless.

The original trilogy was written in the late 1960s and a prequel was written in 1988. It's about Earth being invaded by aliens who roam the planet in gigantic, 3-legged metal constructions. They control humans with 'caps' that are welded into their skulls. The book series describe how a resistance movement is formed and its quest to free mankind from the tripods' oppression.

I recently found out that the books are being turned into a movie and it's set to come out next year. I'm so excited! My mom loves the series, too--in fact, she introduced me to them. So we will definitely go see the movie together when it comes out.

1 comment:

Beyond Umami said...

Hey sharon. I just realized that I left you a comment on the previous post, but just in case you don't have the chance to see it..if you want to see pics there is a link on my blog titled 'more pics"