Saturday, April 22, 2006

heading south

it's final--i'm going to the states this fall. i'll be attending wayne state university in detroit for a 2 year m.a. in speech-language pathology. it's exactly 6 consecutive semesters of coursework and practicum so i'll be done at the end of summer 2008, if all goes according to plan.

i'm excited. as much as i love my family i have wanted to go off on my own for a bit and this is the perfect opportunity. plus it's a great program at an amazing price. since ontario borders michigan, wsu has a "good neighbour policy" where ontario students get to pay the in-state tuition fees. the cost ends up being similar to what i would pay if i were to go to a canadian school.

speaking of which, i did not get into any canadian schools. i wasn't even waitlisted this year, as i was last year. i think the reason for this is that my gpa last year was higher since it didn't include my abysmal last semester marks. anyway, if i add this year's and last year's applications together, i'm 0 for 7 in canada. yet i got into all 5 american schools i applied to. in any case, i'm very thankful i got in anywhere at all and can only attribute it to God's grace.

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