Monday, November 28, 2005

i'm it

tagged by dor.

five random facts about me:

1) i have been sleeping on the floor in front of the fireplace for the past month. but this morning we finally got our furnace replaced and now we can all thaw out. i can put away the snowsuit.

2) i have this fascination with the armed forces. i used to want to be in the army, among other things, and as recently as fall of 2003, i spent an entire weekend exploring reading everything there was to know about being in the reserve. i was seriously considering basic recruit training for the following summer. obviously that didn't happen.

3) the same lady has cut my hair my entire life. she shaved my head twice when i was a newborn.

4) the one movie that had me crying from beginning to end was "i am sam". i watched it in a florida hotel room; my parents and sister were already asleep, but i stayed up and watched the whole thing, uncontrollable tears streaming down my face in every scene, running to the bathroom every few minutes to get more toilet paper (i don't know why i didn't use kleenex). my dad woke up at one point and just stared at me, not sure what to do.

5) many many years ago i got a valentine with my name severely misspelled as "shrin". shrin spelled backwards is nirhs.

enough about me. now you're it: char jennifer catherine herman dorinda