Thursday, October 06, 2005

did anyone catch the beginning of the leafs opener yesterday? right before the national anthem, the announcer said one of the corniest things i’ve ever heard in my entire life:

“the passion that unites us all…the passion that unites friends…the passion that unites strangers…the passion that unites families…” gimme a break…

some other things i did yesterday:

- cleaned up pongo’s diarrhea
- found and played from an old amy grant Christmas songbook
- watched "dodgeball"
- went to mitchell’s to look for dramatic musical material
- read chapter 13 of my textbook

today’s to-do list:

- view on-line lecture
- watch "the day after tomorrow"
- change the guinea pig’s shavings
- read chapter 4

i’m looking forward to thanksgiving! it’s my second favourite holiday after Christmas. there’s something about autumn that really gets me—the brilliant colours, the crisp air (just cool enough to wear a sweater), the family gatherings, the apple-picking, going to sherkston—i love it all!


Anonymous said... too. i love autumn...if it weren't for winter or spring or summer..autumn would be my favourite season :P.

but, seriously...thanksgiving...oh the joys of remembering such an event...and im really looking forward to our much needed family gathering this sunday. will pray for it lots..u know what i mean=) sorry about the crazy late phone call that other night..and thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

haha sharon, your days are so much fun! better than mine, i can't tell you what i do cause i can't remember. i'm half asleep through most of it. lol

ok. well i'm gonna write a super random comment b/c i'm bored and i'm at robarts. i'm supposed to be studying but guess what? i'm not!! anyways - yes the leafs game. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT WAS THAT? shootouts are so stressful even though its good b/c i don't like tie games. but um allison was super slow. MANNNNNNNN. i think we need a top scorer up front without sundin. in fact, within him, we're kinda screwed!! MOGILNY IS GONE TOO!!! ROBERTS and Niuendywk . ok i can't spell but you know what i mean. ANYWAYS i have to go meet a friend now so i hope this post is entertaining tho i know it really isn't. lol ok, ill see you sunday RON RON.
muah. take care

Dordor said...

I like how you spread out your pet's toilet cleaning business. I know how you gotta spread out the fun and funky odors.
Glad we had time together!
I'm ALL about corny...but that leafs announcer should be disciplined.

hoimin said...

the only thing worse than that announcement would be the new NHL commerical. the samurai thing with the scantily-clad physician/trainer = tacky to the max.