Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I have been handed a job on a silver platter. A current co-worker at the Youth Job Centre referred me to an autism service and since I “came so highly recommended”, I was essentially given the job before my 5 minute interview even started. I am now going to be working as an Instructor Therapist for children who have autism. It’s what I do now (with the little boy that I tutor) but in a team with other therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. I am so so so so blessed. It’s very much related to what I want to do in the long-run, I get to work for a great organization and I can totally see how God has forged this path for me. I’m going to have to remember that and hold it close to my heart because I already know that there will be bad days when I won’t want to do it anymore. But I think this is where I’m supposed to be for the next year or so and I’m excited about what I get to see and learn and do.

I still haven’t heard from the other job that I had an interview for. It’s really weird. There was a position at the Canadian Hearing Society as a Community Employment Development Worker and I really wanted it. Out of the 7 jobs I applied for in mid-August, I wanted this one the most, but I thought chances were slim that I’d be contacted for an interview. Much to my surprise, I was called 6 weeks later to come in and meet them, but after the interview I never heard from them again. Was my interview that bad? : P When I didn’t hear from them by the day they said they would call, I called them and since they weren’t there, I left a message. They never returned my call. It’s common courtesy to call regardless of the hiring decision, so I was a little disappointed by their lack of follow-up. And even though the position was in Waterloo, I would have relocated at the drop of a hat. But the Instructor Therapy position is most relevant, given that I want to go into Speech-Language Pathology. So everything has definitely worked out for the best. Never doubt God’s plan or timing.


Alex S. Leung said...

congrats shar! way to go =D

Anonymous said...

cousin-with-the-big-appetite!!! ;) I'm so happy for you! so when do you start? man, this sounds exciting to me.

Anonymous said...

haha..sweet=) im soo happy for u...this is such a blessing.

jenn...u kno what this means: SHARON HAS TO TREAT US OUT TO DINNER CAUSE OF HER NEW JOB :P it's common cousin-chinese courtesy dontcha know! haha

is it part time? or full time?

Sharon said...

i've requested part-time for now since i'm in school, but in january i will try to increase my hours.

Sharon said...

re: dinner, i'll meet you guys at kfc on tuesday.

Dorcas said...

i'm so happy for you. :)
YAY GOD!!!!!!!!
he is definitely wayyyyy good to us. :)

so much to tell you (and 00X) about.... so much i want to blog... but no timeeeee!!!! boourns. story of my life :P

when do you start?

Anonymous said...

mmmm we're having KFC? can i stick candles into my chicken? hahaha randomness. but hey! it'll be UNIQUE.

Dordor said...

HUGE HUG...and congrats darling!!
You have to tell me all about it...
*smiles* Praise be to God!

dorr. said...

congratulations =)

gusto5 said...

horray! you sure its not a GOLD platter? :P