Tuesday, September 13, 2005

passion toronto

i went downtown today to attend a psych class i'm interested in taking. i'm not officially registered for the course b/c there isn't any space right now, but i'm hoping someone will drop it soon and open up some space. anyway, since i was on campus already, i decided to attend the "passion toronto" meeting that was being held at hart house.

passion toronto is an event happening on tuesday, november 22 of this year and it's organized by passion conferences. held at ricoh coliseum at the exhibition place, louie giglio will be speaking and worship will be led by chris tomlin, david crowder band and charlie hall. i'll admit that before today, i wasn't really into the whole passion thing. but at the meeting, i found out what passion toronto is all about and i'm very excited about it. it's a night of worship and prayer that's geared toward university/college students. passion has recently done similar conferences in boston and new york, and it's really targeting these intellectual centres, cities that we typically perceive as unreceptive to the Gospel, even hostile toward it. i was reminded of how important campus ministry is (a somewhat late epiphany) and how vital it is to reach these students who are the future leaders of our society.

another great ministry that also targets the world's "movers and shakers", so to speak, is ravi zacharias international ministries. it seeks to "reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility and the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ." definitely look into rzim if you haven't already. i've heard ravi speak a couple of times and i've read some of his writing and let me tell you his stuff is gold. rzim takes up a unique and critical role in fulfilling the great commission and is well worth supporting.


Anonymous said...

hey sharon! :) are you havin classes on tuesday now? because if you are, we should grab lunch together! oh i don't think i can go to the concert even if i wanted to! i have a crazy amount of work...

Dordor said...

hey hun,
yeah...passion T.O.!! I think I'm gonna be coming to T.O. just for a day trip...hopefully western can get a yellow school bus out for the event. Be blessed.. Gonna call you soon!