Sunday, May 20, 2007

citadel update

so i've been trying to get more involved at church here, and from week to week that has meant going to service early and staying later to help set up and tear down a/v stuff. i'm starting to pick up on what plugs into what, what it does and why we do it. it's a lot of fun, due in part to the awesome people on the set up team. yesterday we went to a set up/tech training and had dinner and i got to know some of the people in the group.

one girl, maggie, volunteered in thailand for a year after she finished her undergrad. she was actually there when the tsunami hit. now she's living and working in detroit. yesterday she bought an old bmw for $600 and plans to fix it up with the help of josh. unfortunately, she had some car trouble so we helped her push start the car in the church parking lot. it was hilarious.

josh is an engineer who loves to flip cars and houses. he bought a house last year that needed a lot of fixing up and has been working on it since. unfortunately, construction sites are targets for theft, and that has been the case with his house. it's been broken into 7 times since he's had it, once while he was actually home.

most of the people in this group live within one or two blocks of each other and the church. it's amazing. it's totally what arthur envisions for jaffray. it can be done and it's so cool. josh tells me on the weekends he just walks over to someone's house for breakfast. doesn't even have to call beforehand. if they're not home, he'll just head over to someone else's house. any night of the week they'll just sporadically hang out, have dinner, whatever. it's awesome.

aside from tech stuff, i've been pulled into playing trombone for a revival that's happening in july. it'll be a duet or a trio with one or two trumpet players. i haven't played in a long time. it'll be interesting, to say the least...!